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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Today's Affirmation
"Today is a glorious day.  All good things are possible."
Today is a glorious day.  All good things are possible.  Try an experiment today.  Only think good thoughts, say good words, and do good actions.  It may very well be a challenge, but it is not one that you cannot overcome.
When we begin to change our thought process and our actions, we make progress in opening up our consciousness and our hearts and allowing more positive energy to enter.  The more focus we put on the positive, the more positive we attract.
Have you ever considered that the negative thinking that you do attracts more negative energy?  Bingo!  It is true.  So if negative energy is what you are after, then have at it.  But, if you are seeking to improve your daily interactions, bring more prosperity and health and success into your life, then you must, and I mean must, work at changing your entire attitude.
So, for today, force the negative thoughts, words, and actions from your day.  Stop yourself from saying that horrible thing or being sarcastic.  Stop thinking that what you are doing sucks.  Stop metaphorically shooting yourself in the foot.,
Instead, Move through your day with deliberation and purpose.  Make a concerted effort to begin a new way of thinking, a new way of speaking, and a new way of doing.  Just wait and see what happens!  It will be wonderful!
In Love and Light-Always,

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