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Monday, January 11, 2016

Today's Affirmation
Today is a new day.  I will face it with optimism.
Each day is a new day.  We have the option of retreating into our shell or facing the day with courage and optimism.  Today is a day to shed the protective shell and face the world courageously.
Being courageous is really nothing more than a mindset.  It is pushing aside the fear (real or not), detaching from it.  It is putting on your clothes and shoes and grabbing your hand bag or briefcase and heading out the door.
This is the first step to courageously facing the day.  Once we have done this, the rest may come naturally.  People greet you.  Greet them back with a smile and a polite response (even if you don't feel like it).  Make the choice to smile throughout the day.  Make the choice to NOT grumble or complain.  Bite your tongue on negative comments.  Either just smile or make a positive comment or just don't say anything at all.  Sometimes it is better to keep our mouths shut, especially if we don't think we can control what may come out.
Courage is not just for lion tamers or soldiers in a warlike environment or skydivers.  Courage is for average people like you and me.  Today, move courageously through your day.  At the end, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and pride.
In Love and Light-Always,

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