NOW AVAILABLE AT robinmilhollandbooks.com

Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, October 27, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will follow my inner knowing and choose what is right for my soul."

Never turn your back on what you  know is right.  Follow your inner knowing and choose, as often as possible, what your soul is telling you.

The soul knows all that you need to know.  The knowledge that you seek is within you.  It is simply a matter of recalling what you already know.  Deep inside your deepest memory, there is all that you will ever need for right living.

The soul has traveled long and far to collect all human experiences and emotions and this information is available for you. 

Go to the soul for what you  need.  Connect deep within and find what you need.

The soul never lies or deceives.   It is all right and true and good.  And it is just that you should seek within for what you already know.

For bringing what you already know into memory, you expand the possibilities for more correct living, for  light to enter you life and to live a more prosperous, enlightened life.

The time is right to take the time from the business of human life and spend time with your soul.  Meditate and ask the soul what is most necessary for you bring into conscious memory so that you may follow its direction, and thus, make progress in human life.

For what is human life without the soul, and what is the soul without human life.  Both exist for one reason only:  To bring the soul back into perfect union with the Original Source of All That Is. 

And when the soul chooses, for the soul always has the choice, to continue in human life or to continue in spirit, it will continue to learn the lessons it needs to reunite with the Source.  Evolution never ceases.  It continues to continue until the continuing stops. 

When that time is, is not determined, for who is to say, "I have learned everything there is to learn, and now I am done"?

So, be content to learn the lessons, be content to do the work for the sake of the soul.

Be well now and always.

In Love and Light-Always,

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will consider my soul and choose the highest possible path to wisdom and knowledge."
Man's soul is eternal;  it never ceases to be.  It is ongoing and forever.  The soul is all and the body simply houses it as it learns the lessons of the human condition.
The soul is the living essence of man.  Without the soul is to be dead.  It is for the soul that the body was created.  As a vehicle for the soul for travel into the human condition and gain wisdom.
The soul is light and energy.  It is not physical.  It has no shape or size.  It just is.  It is just pure spirit and energy.
Man's role is to carry the soul.  Metaphorically, "To lose one's soul" is to lose one's sense of self.  To let the lower aspects of character take the forefront of man's action.  It is to knowingly indulge in that which is counter productive to the advancement of the soul.  It is to stagnate and fail to put into practice the higher knowledge that the soul has gained.  It is to choose the lowest possible level of existence instead of striving for the highest wisdom and knowledge.  It is to know the difference between progress and stagnation and to consciously choose stagnation.
There are those who do recognize the difference between the highest good and the lowest level of existence, but choose the most basic of human existence.  And even in this lowest existence, the soul gains knowledge.  It gains the knowledge of pain and cruelty and selfishness and jealousy and envy and anger and hatred.  And in these things, the soul learns human lessons.
Those who choose a higher path of living, also learn.  They have learned love and compassion and peace of mind.  They have learned generosity and joy and helpfulness.
So, dear friends, no matter what path you choose:  the path to higher living or the path that takes you into the depths of human suffering, there are lessons to be learned.
Learn well.  And progress.
Hold the soul dear and cherish it and let it learn. 
Be well now and always.
In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin manifesting my desires."

Stop just wishing that something would happen in your life and start manifesting it.  Sitting around just wishing, "Gee, I wish...  Gee, I wish..." isn't doing anything for you.l  It just makes what you want seem farther away,  more impossible to attain.
Actively working toward bringing your desires into manifestation is a much better investment of time. 
Remember, however, that manifestation takes time.  What you are manifesting may require a series of other event to occur in order for your event to occur.
Keep at it, though, and don't give up. 
Visualize what it is that you want to see manifest in your life.  Visualize it clearly and specifically.  Create an affirmation to go with it, such as, "This (specify what 'this' is) or something better is now manifesting in my life for my highest good and highest good of all concerned.  In accordance with Divine Law and in the name of all that good and true and pure in Universe."
The more you believe it will happen, the more you actively work toward attainment, the more positive energy you send to what you want.  And eventually, it comes into being.
So, stop just wishing and hoping good things will happen in your life, and begin creating them.

In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will begin to unclutter my inner self and my personal space."

Our outer environment reflects our inner selves.  Look around your personal space.  What condition is it in?  Is your desk cluttered with junk?  Is your car or the trunk of your car stuffed with stuff that needs to be dropped off at Good Will but you haven't found the time to do it?  Is you closet filled to its limit with belongings that you just can't seem to clear out or get rid of?  And what about the atticv?  Are you storing things there that belong to others and need to be given to them?

All of these are indicators of what is happening inside of us because, like a closet or a trunk or an attic, we store stuff inside of ourselves and just let it sit there piling up.

Perhaps taking a look at your outer environment will help you to see what needs releasing or giving back to others what belongs to them.  For example, are you owning responsibility that really isn't yours to hang on to?  Then give it to the person to whom it really belongs.  Are you holding on to old feelings and emotions like you are holding on to those old shoes that don't fit anymore but just can't give them up?  Are you holding on too tightly to a person in your life the way you are holding on to clothes that are too small for you and telling yourself that one day they will fit again?  

Time for a good Fall cleaning.  Now is the perfect time to clean out.  Fall is a time to let the dead things fall way, to sweep out all of the cobwebs.  It is a good time to drop off those boxes to Good Will and let their contents benefit others.  It is a good time to get rid of clothing (and relationships) that are too small and don't fit anymore.  It is a good time to clear out the attic and give to others what belongs to them (both realistically and metaphorically).

Unclutter your inner self and your life.  By doing this you make room for the  many other good things that want to come to you but there wasn't any room.

Start small.  Unclutter one area at a time.  You will find a sense of peace and lightness in the process.  Good luck!

In Light and Love-Always,

Friday, October 24, 2014

Today's Affirmation

"Today I will reawaken my joy by reawakening my creative talents."

Each of us has a part of ourselves that we bury deep inside because we simply don't have time to cultivate it or enjoy it.  We bury our desire to enjoy what we love because we tell ourselves that we don't have the time.  We put aside our personal satisfaction in order to meet deadlines or fulfill family or career responsibilities.

Now it is time to stop that and reawaken that part of yourself that you buried.  Look deep within and see what you have denied yourself and resurrect it.  Dance!  Plant!  Sing!  Paint!  Scultp!   Knit! Run!  Cook!  Sew!  Write!  Whatever form your self expression takes, reawaken it.  Let it bubble up from deep within and nurture it.  Let it come out.  Enjoy it!

If you acknowledge that you deserve the self satisfaction of your creative endeavors, then you will reclaim your joy.  Universe has gifted you with your talent and your love for creative expression.  Use it!  Honor yourself and the Universe by using these talents.

As for myself, I have reawakened my love of crocheting and am working several projects for family and friends.  With each stitch, I invest my joy and pride in creating into the project.  When I look at my creation, I feel happy, not only happy to do the work, but to see the beauty of what I am creating.  I am happy to have the capability to create something that others can enjoy and use.

So, my dears, invest in yourself, honor yourself and Universe by reawakening your love and enjoyment of your creative talents.

In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, October 20, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will purposefully learn something new."
Every day is an opportunity to learn something new.  Acquiring knowledge is a beautiful thing.  So, for today, seek out knowledge.  Look up a word you don't know or find out where Tunisia is or memorize the first line of the periodic tables.  Or find out the translation of a common word in another language.
Never let the opportunity to learn something new slip through your fingers.  Make a point to learn at least one new thing every day.  Imagine how much you can acquire by doing this.
Exercise your brain and activate your memory.  Keep yourself in the loop and seek out that which you do not know.
Com muinto amor,

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will recognize that I am an integral part of the whole cosmos."

Nothing can survive in isolation.  Neither man nor beast nor tree nor stream.  All are necessary for cosmic balance.
What we never consider is that the Universe, the cosmos (of which we are a part), is in perfect balance.  We don't consider it because we are so earth bound, so focused on traffic and jobs and struggle that all looks out of balance in our finite world.
But from a more universal perspective, all is in balance.  And all living things work cooperatively to create that balance.
Ironically, the only things out of balance are the individual lives of man.  Man overcomplicates his life.  Creates struggle where none should exist.
What is it about our species that thrives on disharmony??  Are happier because of it?  Healthier?  More in union with the Divine?  NO!  We are frustrated, angry, chaotic, ill, disgruntled.
Why should this be a way to live?  It shouldn't.
Begin recognizing that each of us is a part of something greater, wider, more cosmic than the chaos that swirls around us and tries to envelop us.  Begin recognizing that we are an integral part of the whole, not the whole itself.  Begin recognizing that we are connected to all other living things around us and the more we work cooperatively with our environment and the people in it, the more in harmony with ourselves and with the Universal Source of All That Is.
So, for today, shed your limited mind set and begin considering things from a more cosmic perspective.  You will begin to feel more alive and more vital and more connected to inner working of the entire cosmos.

In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will stop surviving and start living!"

Today is the day to stop just surviving and start living.  Yes, this is a wake up call especially for you!  Yes, I am talking to you.

You have been plodding along, trying your best to make it through the day and then flopping into bed at night exhausted and spent.  You think, "What am I doing?  How am I going to make it through tomorrow if I barely made it through today?"

Well, here is your answer:  If you change your pattern of thought from survival to living then you will wake up each morning with a new goal, with a renewed vigor to LIVE!

Living is about recognizing that Universe is taking care of the things that you cannot take care of because you are overwhelmed.  Living is about shifting your focus from all of the things in your life that weigh you down to finding the beauty and love and joy that exists in your life.  You just haven't seen them because you have been too busy surviving and not living.  Living is about telling the most important people in your life how much you really love them and care about them and giving them the opportunity to tell you how much they love and care about you!


In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, October 17, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will remember that this too shall pass.  I will turn to Universal assistance to guide me through."

This too shall pass.  There is comfort in knowing that nothing lasts forever.  Our troubles, although difficult and sometimes painful, will eventually come to an end.

During this time of strife, turn to Universal guidance and assistance.  Embrace the comfort that Celestial help provides.  Ultimately, the trying times will end and balance will return.

In the times of balance, work on developing more effective coping skills.  Meditate.  Meditation is a wonderful vehicle to take the edge off and maintain personal, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance and health.

Sit quietly.  Be sure you have a few minutes to yourself and that you will not be disturbed.

Begin breathing deeply-in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Breathe in as deep as you can and hold the breath for about 3 or 4 seconds. 

Then slowly let it out.  Exhale all the breath.

As you breathe in, visualize beautiful white and cleansing light filling your body, cleansing your body, disintegrating any and all impurities, stress, worries, and anxieties.

As you exhale, visualize the release of all of the particles of impurities, stress, worry, and anxiety.

Feel your body relax and balance return.

Do this little exercise anytime.  There is always a few minutes in your day to realign your breathing and bring peace to yourself. 

Go always in the Light.

In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"I will ask the Universe for wisdom, understanding, and clarity."
It is true that if we ask, we shall receive.
Yes, there may be items we need to make our lives more comfortable, but what is essential, is what we need inside.
Ask Universe to provide wisdom, clarity, understanding.  Ask Universe to give you courage and strength to endure that will confronts you.
In you open your heart and ask, Universe will see to it that your requests are fulfilled.  You will begin to see signs of your answer. 
Situations will develop that offer opportunities to gain wisdom, to deepen understanding, and see with clarity.
When we commit ourselves to the betterment of our lives through gaining wisdom, all aspects of our lives begin to fall into place.
Actively work from the inside out.  Improving ourselves through the acquisition of wisdom, understanding, and clarity overflows into our external lives, and soon we begin to recognize changes and improvements.
So embrace the opportunity to gain wisdom and live a more enlightened life.
In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will strive to uncomplicated my life and live simplistically."

Life is complicated enough without making it more so by the choices we make.

There is nothing wrong with a simple life.  In simplicity, there is beauty, and beauty brings us joy.

Make time to evaluate what is essential and what can be simplified by letting it go. 

There is no weakness in saying that you cannot take on any other projects or do someone a favor. 

In doing what others ask, you are simplifying their lives and complicating you own.  I am not saying that we doing favors for others is wrong.  No, I am saying that when are already tapped out, taking on additional tasks, especially tasks that are not truly our responsibility, overcomplicates our lives.

So, dear friends, shed extraneous commitments, tasks, projects, and don't feel bad about it either.  Your life and well being should come first for you.  Keep your eyes focused on a simple life, a simple existence.  Pursue simplicity and see the tremendous difference it makes for you.

"Simplicity!  Simplicity! Simplicity!"-Henry David Thoreau

There is wisdom here.  Embrace the wisdom and practice simplicity.

In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will cast off despair and reach out to my Higher Power."

When is enough, enough?  When are we going to stop making ourselves as miserable as possible?

Why do we need to make ourselves as miserable as possible?  What are we punishing ourselves for?  Do we really deserve this type of punishment?  Are we that terrible and horrible that we need to seek out disappointment and failure in order to prove to ourselves that we are?

STOP right there.  STOP!  STOP! STOP!

None of us deserves to live a life of failure because we think we deserve it!  None of us is that heinous that we deserve to punish ourselves over and over again.  None of us is wretched that we deserve to make ourselves miserable for the rest of our lives.

Look at yourself!  What do you see? 

I see a frail human being trying as hard as possible to live a good life.  I see a person with good intentions and a good heart who has lost hope, who has become lost.

Have you forgotten that Universe is on your side?  Have you let go of the cosmic assistance that is available to you?  Don't feel abandoned and alone, because you are not.

Reach out to you Higher Power.  Ask for rescue.  Ask for assistance. 

There are many things that are far larger than ourselves, and alone we flounder and fail.  But the Universe is vast and infinite, and within in this vast infinity, there is hope and goodness and healing and love, above all, love.

I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking, "How can I expect a cosmic Universal Higher Power to love me and care for me and help me when I cannot even love, care for or help myself?"

Ah, but there it is.  Universe knows exactly what you are thinking, what is in your heart, even far better than you do.

If someone told you you had a terrible disease, would you seek out help and healing?  One would hope so.  So, what is the difference?  Just because the illness is not physical, but spiritual, doesn't mean there is not a cure, doesn't mean that there is not help and healing.

Turn away from despair, and turn to the ultimate unconditional love in the cosmos-your Higher Power.  Put it all the hands of the Universe, and begin feel whole again, begin to live life again with all of the joy that you deserve.

In Peace, Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will let God out of the box, and deepen my understanding of this cosmic force."

God in a box.

When I was in college, I took a course in comparative religion, and our professor began to talk about God in a box.  I had no idea what this was.  I had never heard of God in a box.  Was it some kind of product?  Some kind of snack or cleanser?  I was clueless.

Then, the more the professor spoke of God in a box, the more the light in my brain lit up, brighter and brighter until, wham, I got it.

I often think of that professor and what he called God in a box, and I have come to really see how each of us has formed our own idea of who or what God is.  We base this God concept on our past, on your family traditions, on our culture, on our training or lack of training as children.

We have formulated a personality of who we think God is.  We have given him humanness and human limitations when, indeed, he is not human or limited at all. 

Each of us only understands a tiny portion of what we know God to be.  And how can we make any real determination about anything without truly knowing what it is?  We can't.

So, instead of limiting the power of God by putting him in a box like a product, open the box and let God out.  Let true love and understanding fill your mind and heart, and truly, maybe for the first time, ask, "Who are you, really?"  Say, "Let me see your work in my life."  Say, "I have no ideas what God is or what a Universal Source is or what All That Is is, but I want to know.  I want to understand.  I want to develop an understanding that I have never had before. 

If we ask, we will begin to understand.  We will begin to get an answer.  And little by little, the cosmic tide will turn, and we will each find out for ourselves what this thing called God or Universal Source or All That Is really is. 

No, I'm sorry, our limited human minds can never comprehend the total of what the Universal Source really is, but we can begin to expand our view of it and embrace it and finally, once and for all, let God out of the box.

In Love and Light-Always,