NOW AVAILABLE AT robinmilhollandbooks.com

Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Today's Affirmation

"Today, I get to choose."

"Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get," said Forrest Gump, but this statement implies that our choices are random and left up to a quick pick.  

Instead, what about, "Life is like a box of chocolates; I get to choose the one I want."  Ah, much better. This implies that our own choices are in our own hands.  I like this much better than just reaching in and grabbing something and having no control over the choice.

Everything, everything, everything is a choice.  Even choosing not to choose is a choice.  When we acknowledge that we it is our right to choose, that we are allowed to choose, that we can choose, we reclaim our personal power.  We take responsibility for our lives and no one else to blame when things go awry.

Making personal choices and taking personal responsibilitiy for ourselves is key if we intent on moving forward on our life path.  

So, today, embrace choosing.  Be in control of your own life.  

If you have made a choice that is unsuccessful, then choose how you will handle it and make it successful.

Choose with awareness, and then own it.

In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will recognize and appreciate those who have had a significant impact on who I have become."
Each of us, if we think carefully about it, will discover that there are, or were, very specific individuals who have had a significant impact on the person who we have become.  These people have molded us, influenced us, mentored us, loved us.  They have served as models for who we want to be.  They have made us better people or inspired us to become better people.
There are four women that have played this role for me:  my mother, my grandmother, my Vavo (grandmother in Portuguese), and my husband's mother whom I love as much as if she were my own mother.
My mother, Irene, passed away almost ten years ago, and I miss her every day.  She was one of the strongest, bravest women I know.  She endured a life fraught with illness, from clinical depression to an aneurism to a brain tumor to cancer.  She taught me how to endure, how to survive and be brave.  She taught me how to be creative and she instilled in me a love of books and reading.  She is my mother, and what I have gained from her I carry in my heart and my soul.
My grandmother, Mary, was an immigrant from the "old country," from the Azores.  She also endured hardship when she was a girl.  She was the second oldest of seven children, and when her mother, my great-grandmother, Beatrice, came to America with the younger children, my grandmother was left behind with her father's brother and his wife (who was a terribly abusive woman) because there wasn't enough money for her passage. 
She was a woman of incredible inner strength and a strong survival instinct.  At eighteen, she finally came to America.  She taught herself to read and write English, worked in a factory that made thread, lost a child, my mother's older brother, and cut her own grass until she was 73.
From her I experienced tolerance, unconditional love, and patience.  She gave me a love of wildlife and gardening.  She taught me independence and steadfastness.  She taught me how to peel potatoes and how to sew by hand, how to crochet, how to embroider.  She instilled in me a love of not only hard work, but beauty as well.
My Vavo, Isabelle, also was an immigrant from "das ilhas"-the islands of the Azores.  For the entirety of  her life, she spoke very little English, but understood everything.  She loved watching Jeopardy and she was a politics enthusiast.  She was a brilliant woman. 
My Vavo always had a pot of soup on the stove and a cake on her counter.  She always had a tablecloth on her table for every meal.  She sewed without a pattern, and when I was a child, she would let me pull the pins out of the clothing after she had sewn the parts together.  She made me, along with all of her other granddaughters more dresses and outfits than I can count.  She canned countless mason jars of pears and eggs and onions and peppers.  She made sausage by hand and grew
She taught me a love of creating-taking raw material, whether cloth or vegetable or meat and creating things that nurtured others. 
My mother-in-law, Anne, is the final pillar in the building that has served as part of the foundation of my adult womanhood.  She is granny.  She is unconditionally loving and kind and patient and sweet.  She is never critical, and when one of the grandchildren are acting up, her words are "be sweet."  She is the ultimate nurturer.  She never has an unkind word to say to anyone, and is the perfect example of selflessness.
Because of her, the rough edges of my character have been smoothed out.  I have learned to leave sarcasm and criticism behind and become kinder, more patient and loving and selfless.  I want to be like her, and I aspire to that end. 
When I lost my own mother, she became my primary feminine role model.  She is so giving to others and never asks for anything for herself.  She raised 7 children, my husband being the third.  She cared for and nurtured 14 grandchildren.  When I reach my full maturity, I want to be like her.
So, my dear readers, open your eyes and recognize those who have made the most significant contributions to who you have become.  Tell them how much they mean to you.  Tell them, often, how much you love and appreciate their love and support.
Be well.  Now and always.
In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, July 28, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will remind myself that a candle should only burn at one end."
If you are burning the candle at both ends, stop immediately!  It is time to get a clue that if you deplete yourself, then there will be nothing else to give.
Change your thinking about taking care of yourself.  It is o.k. to slow down.  It is o.k. to cut back and do less. 
Here is a secret:  The fate of the entire world (or company or job) does not rest solely on your shoulders.  A friend of mine once told me, "If you drop dead tomorrow, they (whoever 'they' are) will replace you.  Imagine that!  We are expendable to others.  We are not, however, expendable to ourselves or our families.
So, if you find yourself tired out, fed up, "...like butter spread over too much bread"-Bilbo Baggins, then it is time to reevaluate and begin taking better care of yourself.
Instead of calling in sick, call in well.  Say to yourself, "I feel too good today to sit behind my desk.  I need a break."  Then take it.
You are important to those who love you.  You are also important to yourself.  Treat yourself with importance, even if it means putting an "out of office" message on your email.  Take a day to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.  The company will survive for one day so you can bring yourself back into harmonious balance. 
In Light and Love-Always,

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will seek and create harmony.  Today I will live in harmony with all."
Good morning from the burgh!  I have left my homeland of Florida on a vacation jaunt to the North Hills of Pennsylvania, about 20 miles outside of Pittsburgh.  What a lovely relief to be away from the southern humidity and be in such a cool and crisp environment filled with northern trees and birds that we just don't see in South Florida.
My brother-in-law, Christopher (I also have a brother named Christopher), lives in Harmony-Harmony, Pennsylvania.  But what a lovely place to call home. 
We should all live in harmony-harmony with ourselves, with others, with our environment.  We should make it our purpose beginning today.
So, ask yourself, "What would it take to bring harmony into my life today?"  And then work toward it.  You don't need a lifetime plan, just a plan for today.  Then tomorrow, ask yourself, "What would it take to bring harmony into my life today?"  And then the day after tomorrow, do the same.
Daily harmony leads to weekly harmony and monthly harmony, and before you know it, you are so used to creating harmony, that when harmony goes awry, you crave it, and rebuild it.
So, my dearies, let HARMONY be your keyword today.  Let it be today's purpose. 
In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Today's Affirmation
 "Today I will decide what to do with time that is given to me."
Frodo:  "I wish the ring had never come to me."
Gandalf:  "So do all who see such times.  But that is not for them to decide.  All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you."
Truth comes to us in the most unexpected of ways sometimes.  And here, from The Lord of the Rings is great wisdom. 
Wishing something had never happened is futile because it has happened and we cannot undo it.  What is done is done.  But what we can do, what is a much better investment of our time and energy is to face what has happened and choose a course of action.
So often we are paralyzed by our own inaction.  We stymy ourselves.  We fall into the trap of worry, anxiety, and even resentment over the events that have occurred in our lives.  We fail accept what has happened and we wallow in the events-frustrated, confused, frozen.
We cannot change events, but we can change the way we approach them.  We can take charge.  We can formulate a plan of action and follow it through.  This movement keeps the energy flowing, and we get through the event more quickly. 
It begins to dawn on us that we are not helpless victims.  We are people of action.  We can take our own lives in our own hands and do something with it-we can move forward.
We push through the fear, push through the uncertainty.  We move forward.
And this is today's message.  Don't let events in your life paralyze you.  Don't let events in your life victimize you.  Don't let events in your life keep you mired in wishing and hoping things had never happened.  They have happened, so now what are you going to do about it??
In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, July 25, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I embrace my intuition.  Today I will actively work toward honing my intuitive sense."
Rely on your intuition.  There is a reasons that intuition is called the sixth sense and it is not because it is occult or separate from the other senses.  It is because it is a part of the entire sensual package:  seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, hearing, perceiving.
Just the way we rely on our sight or our sense of smell to guide us through our human lives, we must reconnect probably the most important of the senses-intuition.
Beginning today, work actively on honing your intuitive sense.  Trust it.  Follow it.  Embrace the idea that it is part of the ALL just as all of the others are.
When we ignore the gift of intuition, we deny that which is part of us, just as if we were to refuse to recognize that we have a second arm or leg.  If we did this, we would severely impair ourselves, and our daily achievement would be that much more difficult.
I'm sure we all have heard "sight impaired," "hearing impaired."  But what about "intuition impaired?"  Think about it. 
Embrace your intuition.  The more you use it, the more sharpened it will become and the less impaired you will be.
In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Within me resides a Divine essence.  Today, I reclaim my Divinity and move closer to the True Source of All That Is."
Rise above.
Today's message is to rise above the lower aspects of character.  Rise above the lower energies that surround you. 
Elevate your consciousness.  Reestablish and strengthen your connection to the Universal Source.
In this way, you become truer to your essence, to your Divinity.
The most important message that Universe wants to transmit to you is that you are Divine.  You are made from the light of stars and sun.  You shine.  You radiate.  In your true essence, this is who you are.
Deep within you resides a spark of light.  Like a bright star on a dark night.  It twinkles.  And as you embrace this essence, the spark grows larger.  As you reclaim your essence of Light, as you claim ownership of who you are, you come closer to the True Source.
So, for today, remind yourself that this is who you are.  You are made of the Divine Light and ultimately, to this Divine Light you shall return.  Nurture your Divine nature, and all will be well.
In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I be a Lightworker for the highest and greatest good of all."

Becoming a Lightworker.

A Lightworker is one who cultivates his/her intuitive sense, forms a deeper connection with the Universe Source and all it has to offer, and uses his/her gifts for the highest and greatest good of all.  This means that he/she teachers others, guides, heals, leads those who seek him/her out for assistance.

To be a Lightworker means to work in the light.  The light is love and goodness and pure intentions.  To be a Lightworker is to open oneself up to the highest forces of the Universe and to work cooperatively with the highest of the Light Regions and the celestial beings.

Some Lightworkers teach yoga or provide holistic care.  Some are reiki masters or doctors or nurses.  Some have access to higher knowledge and wisdom.  Some read cards or energy.  Some can see events in the past or future.  Some channel the Higher Realm through writing or voice.  Some have the capability, using their hands and their senses to detect blockages or illness within the auric field or chakra system.  Some, like my friend Lisa, work with animals.  Some help the disabled.

There are many, many ways to be a Lightworker.  One just needs to open his/her heart and say, "I want to work in the Light.  I want to work for the highest and greatest good of all.  I want to cultivate the talents that I have and be an instrument of my Higher Power/Universal Source/Love & Healing."

You decide how best you can use what you have for others.  If there is a talent or interest that you want to learn more about or learn how to do, then seek out a teacher.  Many times, once you have formed the intention, someone who can help you shows up in your life.

Don't be afraid to be a Lightworker.  Some of you already are Lightworkers and don't even realize it.

Keep yourself on a path of Light, and the Light will always shine on you.  Many blessings.

In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, July 21, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin to nurture myself.  I will work toward self satisfaction and happiness within myself instead of outside myself."

Greetings and Salutations!!

Isn’t it funny how we go on each day going to our jobs, or making the beds, doing laundry, cooking meals, putting a smile on our faces and pushing through when we are so vastly unhappy with ourselves and our lives? 
 How do we do it?  We push aside the unhappiness, telling ourselves that it is foolish for us to feel this way, that we are being silly, that we have so much to be grateful for. 
We bury ourselves in books or computer games or cooking or shopping or lunching with friends.  In some cases we turn to darker, more self destructive pursuits.  We push down the unhappiness so much so that, at some point, we don’t even realize that we are unhappy.  We just know we are tired and frustrated and fed up.
 Then, one day, for no real good reason that we can put our finger on, we explode! We scream and yell and cry, maybe even break things or punch things or throw things (yikes!), and the great irony is we don’t even realize, at that moment of greatest anguish, that we are unhappy.  We ask ourselves, “What’s wrong with me?  Why am I acting like this?”  We have become so expert at burying our real feelings that we can’t see it for what it is.
 The problem is that if we admit that we are unhappy, then that somehow implies that there is something wrong, something deficient in us that prevents us from generating happiness, from being happy.
What we are, is not deficient, but afraid.  We are afraid of ourselves.  We are afraid of how far we have come away from who we used to be to where we are now.  We are afraid that we have not lived up to others' expectations or our own expectations.  We are afraid that we haven't accomplished all those things that were so incredibly important to us when we were younger.
My dear darlings,  we got this way because we never took the time to nurture ourselves.  We put everyone and everything before us, thinking that self nurturing made us selfish.  Self nurturing is selfishness; it is necessary.
Even in airplanes, the attendant will instruct the passengers, that in a case of an emergency, we should put the oxygen bag on ourselves first, then assist others.  This insures that we have the necessary resources to help others.
Begin thinking about putting on your own metaphorical oxygen bag. 
Honeys, if you give, give, give, do, do, do, then you have nothing left for yourself.
For once in you life, FOCUS ON YOURSELF!  NURTURE YOURSELF!   The more you nurture and be kind to yourself, the less angry, frustrated, tired, unhappy you will be, and the more you will feel revitalized, balanced, and in harmony.
Now, don't just read all of this and say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I don't have time to nurture myself.  I am so busy." 
But I say, "Don't be ridiculous.  If you want to feel better, then you must actively pursue it.  Take the time.  Make the time. 
Ask the Universe for help.  Call upon the Angelic Realm to show you, to lead you, to teach you how to self nurture.
Be well, dearies.
In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be my own knight in shining armor and come to my own rescue."
What is wrong with women?  I’ll tell you what’s wrong with women.  What’s wrong with women is that we’ve been conditioned since our girlhoods to believe in the Knight in Shining Armor who comes riding in at the most dire moment to swoop us up into the saddle and carry us off into the sunset to live happily ever after.

So how can we be blamed for spending our lives stalking the ultimate big game-the Knight in Shining Armor? 

 Every cute boy, every handsome man we meet who looks at us with that certain look in his blue or brown or green or hazel eyes, we dress up in shiny metal, put a plume in his helmet (or his ball cap or his cowboy hat or is sun visor-you get the picture), and a long lance in his gauntleted hand and pursue him with every feminine wile we have.

It’s even worse when crisis strikes because then we look, not to our feminine selves as being capable of being our own knight in shining armor, but to the herd of males, potential shiny men out there who we think can save us.
Our first introduction to the knight, whether shiny or tarnished, is our fathers-big strong, powerful, the superman of knights.,  It doesn’t matter how good or evil he is, he is our first superman of knights. 
We graduate from dad to Ken who has perfect plastic hair, not a hint of 5 o’clock shadow, and no penis with which we would be threatened.
 Then comes the middle school boys-the cute little trouble makers who tease us, snap our bra straps and who definitely have penises with which to threaten us-the first males to have penises.
 Our next encounter with knights are the high school boys-the athletic well formed males who strut like peacocks down the hall surrounded by females who compete with each other for his attention.    Or they are the dangerous boys who slouch and goof off in class and answer back and cuss and maybe even smoke.  There is a certain appeal in the bad boy knight.  His badassness shows he has the toughness to protect us from dragons and other boys.  All these high school boys definitely have penises and they definitely threaten us and sometimes we want to be threatened, we may even like being threatened.  We may not let them threaten us, but we like knowing they possess a certain threateningness.
Then, of course, we marry the man we think is our destined Knight in Shining Armor.  How disappointed we can become when this perfect guy turns out to have flaws, and somehow doesn't know how or isn't truly capable of saving  us from the witches and dragons and trolls that live under bridges.  Now what do we do??? 
It's time for an AWAKENING!  What we find is that hiding way back in our closets, among all the clothes and shoes and purses we bought that we probably didn't need, is a dusty, tarnished suit of armor.  We ask ourselves, "Where did this come from?"
Well, nobody put it there.  It was there all along. We drag it out, dust it off, shine it up, and put it on.   Wow!  How surprised we are when it fits, a little awkward maybe, but it fits.  Even the fancy sword fits in our hands.  We may not really know yet how to use it, but we certainly can wave it around.
Ladies, the more we get used to how the armor fits and how to use the sword, the more we realize that we are not helpless, not without resources, not without power.
It is time for us to reclaim ourselves as powerful beings in our own right. King Arthur's motto was "Might for Right."  Our feminine motto should be "Might for Right is Right for Us!"
So, girls, go clean out your closets.  You may just find that suit of armor that you didn't know was there.
In Love and Light-Always,


Friday, July 18, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will reconnect with my most precious friends and tell them I love them and appreciate them."

Our closest and most precious friends are a wonderful resource to us.  They bless our lives with what they have to offer, and the best thing is that they offer it to us freely.

Did you ever not see a close friend for some time and then pick up the phone and pick up exactly where you left off as if no time had passed?  This is one of the things that classifies a "best friend".

I have three close and precious "best" friends.  I have know two of them for almost 30 years.  We have traveled parallel roads, but a couple of times a year, our paths intersect, and we catch up. 

We have seen and shared each other's joy and success, as well as each other's pain and suffering.

These three wonderful women are quality women.  They are the best women I know.

They are strong, independent, highly intelligent.  They are fighters-they fight for themselves and what they know is right. 

They embody all of the qualities that I value and admire.  I love them.

So, in honor of my  three sister-souls, I dedicate this post.

I don't know what my life would be like without them-less enriched, less full.

So, dear friend-readers, consider your close and precious friends.  Pick up the phone and check in with them.  Invite them over for coffee or tea, invite them for luncheon, make a trip and visit them or invite them to make a trip to visit you.  Look them up on Facebook, reconnect with them.  They will be happy to hear from you, as you will be happy to hear their voices, even if it is a texted voice.

Appreciate these women and men who have played an integral part in the person you have become.

Here is a little vignette about Lisa, one of my three most precious friends:

     About twenty years ago, when my daughter was less than a year old, our family had experienced 
     a severe financial difficulty.  I was overwrought.  I didn't know what to do.  I got a phone call from Lisa who is a wonderful and talented psychic reader (today she specializes in animal reiki and reading).  She asked me is everything was o.k. because she had gotten a feeling about me.  I told her what was happening.  She was loving and supportive and she gave me courage and insight and guidance.  About a week later, a large package came via delivery company.  When I opened the box, it was filled with clothes, brand new clothes, for my daughter.  I cried.  I called her right away to thank her for her goodness and generosity.  Do you know what she told me??  She said, "Rob, what are friends for?" 

Dear friend-readers-love you friends and appreciate the selflessness they bring into your life.

In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be courageous and put fear aside and reclaim my own personal power."
Through our journeys in the human world, we have encountered numerous examples of the use of power-not always good.  As we perceive power, we perceive it as a force that puts us in charge, something we can wield, like a sword.  It is a word that has grown to have negative connotations.
We need to begin to rethink power.  Think of it as not as something we use against others, but something we use to strengthen ourselves.
Power, real power, is a force that resides within us.  We should learn to embrace it and use it for our highest and greatest good.
Power is strength and authority and courage and love and not fear.  Fear directly contradicts power.  Those who fear, temporarily misplace their power.
Do not be in a hurry to be powerful, but cultivate love, patience, inner strength, and this is power.
Power is not aggression or violence.  These are misuses of power manifested through fear.  Prejudice is manifested through fear, and this is not power either.
Power is silent.  It is in the gently manner of man.  It is in love that power resides, not in hatred or killing or fear.
Cultivate the love in your own heart, and this is power.
So, my friends, contemplate your own personal power today, and ask yourself what is preventing you form embracing it and owning it.  Move beyond fear and into courage.  Use your power wisely-always for the highest and greatest good of all. 
In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will self-check myself for my auric health.  I will center, balance, and ground myself."

Today, I thought I would give you a brief preview of one of the chapters in the Spirit Seeds meditation book.

This excerpt is from Chapter 3-Centering, Balancing, Grounding.  It is not the entire chapter, (I can't give too much away before publication), but it will give you idea about the book.

           "Each of us has an invisible layer of protective energy that surrounds our physical bodies.  It radiates outward approximately two to four inches from the physical body and is made up of electromagnetic energy.  It is our human force field and it is called the auric field, or simply, the aura.

When we are healthy and balanced, the aura is healthy and balanced.  When we are not healthy and balanced, the aura is not healthy and balanced.  And when the aura is not healthy and balanced, then it can thin out in places or develop bulges, wavy ridges, or what seem to be hairline cracks.  The aura isn’t actually cracked, of course, but the energy is so thin that it looks like it’s cracked. 

These problematic auric conditions are caused by any number of factors.  The most primary would be experiencing extended periods of stress and anxiety, or exposure to high levels of negativity, such as being in a hostile work or home environment, or in constant contact with someone who is angry or hateful, bitter or resentful, jealous or mean. 

Sometimes, our own negative emotions or our diminished mental, emotional or physical states can also tax the aura.  The auric field is strong and protective, but under such diminished or strenuous conditions, it surely can become weakened and not as effective or protective as it should be. 

            When this occurs, we may feel out of sorts, irritable, quick to anger, quick to react.  We may experience mood swings.  We may feel scattered, unorganized, frustrated.  We may become clumsy, bump into things, trip over things.  Additionally, when the aura is weak, so is our immune system; thus, making us more susceptible to illnesses such as colds and flus.  The necessity of keeping the aura strong and balanced is clear:  without its strength and balance, we are a mess!

            The best way we can ensure that our auric field is in good working order is to center, balance, and ground our energy.  This means that we collect all of our energy that has become scattered or lost and concentrate it around our physical bodies, and we reconnect it, ground it, deep into the earth.  Remember how Peter Pan lost his shadow and how Wendy needed to reattach it?  This process is similar.  Our energy is lost, and we need to reattach it, not with needle and thread, of course, but with breathing and visualizing and drawing in."
In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will make my life more manageable by making a list and following it."
Life can sometimes be overwhelming-so many things to do all the time.  It really can be mind numbing.
I try to start out every day with a list of things that need to get done.  I keep the list on my desk next to my computer, and as I accomplish something on the list, I cross it off.
Crossing off items on my list gives me a great sense of accomplishment.  I love seeing that line running through a task that marks it as DONE.
Breaking down my tasks in more manageable bits makes it easier for me to accomplish them and less likely to procrastinate.
I always have to remind myself that I do not have to do all the tasks on the list.  But an item being on the list reminds me that it does, at some point, need to be done.
So, with your busy life-job, house, kids, co-workers, friends, extended family, bills, dates, chores-try making a list.  Post it where you can see it, and as you accomplish each item, cross it off.
Make your life today as manageable as possible.
In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, July 14, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will look for the hand of Universe working in my life."
If we attune our awareness, then we can better recognize those times when the Universe is actively communicating with us and working in our lives. 
We see the unfolding of events, seemingly miraculous, and they are because Universe has engineered it to be so.
Universe communicates to us through a variety of ways that seem so natural that we don't always recognize it.  Many people are under the impression that when Universe communicates with us, we need to have some lofty vision of a celestial being surrounded in light, the sky needs to open, and the mighty voice of God makes the earth shake.
This is not true.  Universe always communicates with us in a way that we can understand.  Think about it.  What good is cosmic communication with humanity if humanity doesn't understand the message?  Good point, right?  Indeed.
Sometimes those very seemingly random or casual communications come through our friends or a song that is playing the minute we turn on the radio or a repetition of things that show up in close succession to each other.
Other times it may be a line from a film or book that keeps playing in our brains.  And other times it is just a sense of knowingness-seeing and understanding so clearly something we did not recognize before.
So, dearies, keep your eyes and ears open for the voice and wisdom of the Universe.  The more you attune yourselves to these messages, the clearer they become and the more frequently you will be able to actually to say, "THIS is definitely the hand of the Universe working for me right now."
In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will work on letting go of _____;  the Universe supports my growth and helps me to overcome what is no longer needed in my life."
Letting go is one of the hardest thngs we can do.  It is so much easier to hang on and hang on tightly.  Even if something is bad for us, like a relationship, we have a tendency to hold on to it instead of just letting it go.
What makes us do this?  Is it the fear of losing the familiarity of a situation.  Is it our knowledge of how to, or how not to, cope with the situation that keeps us there because we are afraid of the unknown?  Is it fear of starting over?  Or is letting go an acknowledgment that what we have doing, in some way, reflects that there is something defective in us? 
Letting go is an acceptance that we have gained enough knowledge and wisdom that we have moved beyond whatever it is that we are holding onto.  It is trust that something greater awaits us.  It is a way to reinforce that we deserve better, that we are worthy, that we are ready for the next step on the path, the next phase of our development and maturity.
Perhaps it is time for us to reevaluate where we are on the journey, time for us to do an inventory of what is working and not working for us,  time to take the risk of letting go of the outmoded and outdated and look to the future with hope and anticipation.
Universe never places in our path anything that we cannot learn from or master.  And Universe never leaves us to our own devices.  Universe provides us with all the resources to be successful in overcoming what is needful.
Look to the Universe.  Look to the Angelic Realm.  Help is all around.  There is no need to feel alone or to believe we are alone.  We are NOT alone.  Tap into the loving celestial help that Universe has provided, and finally, once and for all, LET GO.  MOVE ON.
"May the blessing of Elves and Men and all free folk be with you."-Tolkien
Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Life is good."
A very simple affirmation for today.  "Life is good."  When we look for the good, we find it. 
Focusing on what is good in our lives and being thankful for it, generates more goodness.  Remember, "Misery breeds misery."  Don't be one of those who fixates on the negative; instead, look for the positive.
Look up into the sky and appreciate the blueness.  Look down and appreciate the grass that grows under your feet.
Close your eyes and smell the good smells:  cut grass, delicious edible aromas wafting across the air, the salt from the sea.
Close your eyes and hear the good sounds:  a neighbor cutting his grass, the waves crashing on the sand, the chippering of birds, the slight sound of butterfly wings, children playing.
Close your eyes and feel goodness in your heart for all the things you love.
Take a deep breath, and say, "Ah, life is good today."
In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, July 11, 2014

Today's Affirmation

"My future is within my grasp.  I must see it, say it, and believe it."
First of all, I have been gone for some time.  I have been working diligently on my Spirit Seeds meditation book.  I have finally finished and have submitted it for publication.  Hurray!!  I do not have a release date yet, but hopefully, I will find out soon.  I am hoping that all of you who have faithfully read my blog will be inspired to pick up a copy. 
Let me give you a brief preview.  The book contains 20 chapters which are broken into 7 subsections:  The Basics, Affirming and Manifesting, Clearing, Cleansing, and Healing, Protection, Communication, Accessing Higher Knowledge and Wisdom, Exploring Past Lives.
Each individual chapter contains commentary on each of the subjects covered within the chapter as well as a scripted meditation.  At the end of each chapter is an affirmation that pertains to the subject matter of the chapter.
At the end of the book, there is an appendix that contains 4 charts/lists-Chakra Colors and Purposes, an image of the location of each chakra, a list of animal spirit guides, a list of archangels and their identities and functions, and a list of affirmation according to purpose.
There are also pages assigned for the reader's notes.
So, as you can see, I have been monumentally the last few months trying to pull it all together.  I really appreciate you continuing to visit the blog.
Light and Love-Always,