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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will consider moving out of my comfort zone and seek other opportunities that offer me a breath of fresh air and a good challenge.  I will NOT be afraid to make a change."

The time to act is now.  January is coming to a close, and it is time to rise from the sofa of complacency and your life in your own hands and move onto something new and challenging. 

Don't be afraid.  Change is good.  Change is challenging, and maybe that is exactly what you need-a challenging change.

Wipe the dust off your shoulders where it has been collecting, and go out and seek a new path.  Keep in mind that just because you have been doing the same old thing for a long time and are very good at it, doesn't mean you won't be good at something else.

It may involve risk, but when was the last time you took the risk of moving out of your comfort zone?  Tuck your shirt in, straighten your tie, shine your shoes, and go out there and find the something wonderful and challenging that is waiting for you!

Love and Light,

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will expose my inner demons to the Light.  I will make a conscious effort to extricate them from life."

There are times in our lives when we need to face our personal demons.  These personal demons hide in the dark recesses of ourselves and lurk in the shadowy corners of our minds.  They are ever present, waiting for the right time to move out of the shadows and into our conscious minds.

Sometimes these demons are with us for our whole lives, and sometimes they creep in when we are not looking.  They are insidious creatures, and sink their fangs or claws so deep into us that we have a hard time disengaging ourselves from them.

It takes a strong commitment to loose ourselves from these creatures, a strong determination, and work that can tax us and tire us out.  But isn't the struggle to overcome better than living with these strangulating demons tightening their bony fingers around our necks and heart and minds?  It is.

When we see the ugly faces of these dark beings peeking around the corners, then we should yank them into the light where they have a hard time surviving.  We need to shine the light full on them, and work toward shrinking them down so small that they finally disintegrate.

Don't be afraid.  Don't let them immobilize you.  Fight against them.  Do everything it takes to subdue them and conquer them.  Seek whatever assistance is necessary to take control of your life and rid yourself of the demons that plague you.

If we can do this, if we can work toward conquering these inner demons, then we can release ourselves from their control and live a fuller, clearer, most satisfying and joyous life.

Take the first step today.  Move into the Light and drag those damn demons with you.  Shine the brightest light you can on them and let them melt away in the sun.

Be brave.  Ask the Universe for help.  Be committed and know that although the journey to freedom may be initially a bit painful, the rest of your life will not be.  You will be free to move forward and find joy in all things.

In Love and Light,

Friday, January 17, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will appreciate all of the people who have contributed to who I am today."
There are people that we have left behind in our lives-old lovers, best friends from school, good neighbors who have moved far away, family members.
But these people somehow find a way back into our lives years later.  And what a joy it is to reconnect with them.  For some of those people, it is as if we had never been separated.  We pick up the thread of the conversation just where we had left off.
Sometimes, when we have left words unsaid, it may be timely to finally communicate those words.  Recently, I found my high school boyfriend, my first love ever, on Facebook.  I was very hesitant to make contact with him.  But I finally did.  There were things sitting in my heart for a long time that had been unsaid, and I finally wanted to say them, and I am glad I did.
So, dear friends, welcome the communication for someone whom you thought was lost to you or whom you had left behind.  It just may be time to either rekindle the relationship or make amends or have amends made to you.
In Love and Light,